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Search Engine Advertising (SEA)

“During the first half of 2003 paid search grew by 300% while the rest of online ad spend dropped by 14%.”

What Is Search Engine Advertising?

Search Engine Advertising is the placement of small text advertisements on search engines. Google Adwords and Overture Search are the two most well known players.

Why Use Search Engine Advertising?

Search Engine Advertising improves your return on investment from online advertising by only displaying your ads to people who are actively looking for your product or service. The placement and creative is triggered by the search phrase the user enters into the search engine and as a result, costs are low and click through and conversion rates are very high.

Search Around The World

The following article has been published by icrossing, the premier US search engine marketing company, and features input from First Rate’s Jon Ostler. The article is part two in a series looking at regional search engines around the world.

THIS WEEK’S PANEL IS FLUENT with both ‘so suo en gin xuan quan’ and search engine marketing. Last week, we heard what excites and frustrates search engine marketers in Europe. Now we turn to experts from the Asia-Pacific.

Google Launches Amazon-Style Book Search

Sourced from The New Zealand Herald

Google Inc has quietly launched a new search technology to help publishers sell books online, a fast-growing market dominated by internet retailer Amazon.com.

Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin will host a press conference on Thursday to demonstrate the technology at the Frankfurt Book Fair, an important showcase if the Internet search engine is to recruit the heavyweights of the book publishing industry.

We Couldn’t Have Said It Better Ourselves

Sourced From searchengineguide.com

Although the word “holistic” is often used to describe a particular approach to medicine (in which the emphasis is on treatment of the “whole” individual), it is also appropriate to apply it to other disciplines, including Search Engine Marketing (SEM). There are three major components of SEM (and many minor ones, but we won’t touch on them here). These three primary parts are often used individually to great effect- but it is only when they are effectively used in unison that the “whole” can become “greater than the sum of its parts”. These major components are as follows:

Is Your Search Marketing Campaign Lopsided? SEO vs SEA Demographics

Source : clickz.com

A recent clickz column reported results from a survey conducted with WebSurveyor, Strategem, and Survey Sampling. The research revealed search engine users choose natural search results more often than paid search ads when asked to select the result most relevant to a sample query. This effect varies by search engine. The conclusion is self-evident: SEM campaigns must target both the natural and paid components of the search results page to reach the entire search engine user audience.