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Google takes half of all US searches, Nielsen say

American web surfers continued to flock to Google in April, using the internet search site for 50% of their 5.3 billion queries, according to a research report.

That marked a rise from Google’s year-ago market share of 47%, while second-place site Yahoo held steady at 22%, and Microsoft’s MSN dropped from 12 to 11%, according to Nielsen/NetRatings.

Xtra Hops On Ad Search Wagon with Overture

Sourced From stuff.co.nz
Published: 19 December 2005

Telecom’s XtraMSN hopes to persuade small and medium-sized businesses to advertise online by selling low-cost pay-per-click advertisements alongside results from the website’s search engine.

Xtra has signed up Overture, a subsidiary of web giant Yahoo, to auction off keywords to New Zealand businesses.

From Waistlines To Bottom Lines, You Need A Commitment

WHEN I BOUGHT MY GYM membership, I paid a hefty sign-up fee and agreed to pay a regular monthly fee. When I spoke to the salesperson, I definitely didn’t think, “Here’s my money, and I will never see you or this gym ever again.” I had every intention of going to the gym several times a week and getting in fantastic shape.

However, as with many good intentions, life and its many priorities happen, and those plans fall to the wayside–not intentionally, but nevertheless they become less important.

The Business of Search Engine Marketing

Sourced From SearchDay

An excellent new book focuses both on tactics as well as the managerial and organizational tasks required for effective large-scale search marketing campaigns.

Most search marketing books I’ve seen to date are highly tactical tomes, filled with advice on methods, approaches and techniques for achieving search engine success. While most of these books offer useful advice for individuals wanting to hone their search marketing chops, virtually none of them consider search marketing as a team process.

Search as the New Great Game

Sourced From SearchDay

In years past, major powers struggled to win the hearts and minds of people by maneuvering in what Kipling called “the great game.” The new great game is playing out not as geopolitical intrigue, but in a egalitarian dance that transcends borders and is reshaping social reality, says John Battelle in his new book The Search .

The Search: How Google Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed our Culture is an ambitious work that’s unlike any book I’ve yet encountered. Although the subtitle includes the requisite mention of Google, the book is really a much broader look at both the history of the web search industry and the profound effects and changes it is having on our social lives.