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Google Partners Masterclass 2015 Insights Part 1: Winning Google Micro Moments

Google Partners Masterclass 2015: Customer Micro-Moments, Digital Marketing Hacks and More

Last 7th of August, together with the team at FIRST, I attended the Google Partners Masterclass held at the ANZ Viaduct Centre in Auckland, an impressive digital marketing event that brought together smart digital professionals under one roof for a full day of insightful sharing.

Organized for digital marketers and advertisers from Google partner agencies and freelancers, the topics focused on understanding customers and using data and context to deliver the best experience.

Site Content Review & Copywriting

“The right site content is essential for site stickiness, conversion and search engine traffic “The findings of the site business strategy, competitor analysis and market research will drive new site content production. Information based pages will be added to the site presenting high demand information to the search engines and users.

Site Content Review & Copywriting

“The right site content is essential for site stickiness, conversion and search engine traffic “

The findings of the site business strategy, competitor analysis and market research will drive new site content production. Information based pages will be added to the site presenting high demand information to the search engines and users.

Market Research & Search Phrase Analysis

“Do you know which of your products or services are most popular online or how people buy them?”

Access the search data of millions of searchers and understand what products and services are in high demand, which popular search phrases and topics have low levels of competition and how people use the Internet as part of their buying process.

The Business of Search Engine Marketing

Sourced From SearchDay

An excellent new book focuses both on tactics as well as the managerial and organizational tasks required for effective large-scale search marketing campaigns.

Most search marketing books I’ve seen to date are highly tactical tomes, filled with advice on methods, approaches and techniques for achieving search engine success. While most of these books offer useful advice for individuals wanting to hone their search marketing chops, virtually none of them consider search marketing as a team process.

Blogs and Bling Bling: Companies See More Sales, Improve Search Position

Article by Christopher Heine
Published: September 27, 2005

The search engines are all about blogs, but turning that traffic into a selling vehicle is another story.

Not so for eHobbies.com, which says it has watched its conversion rate double from the normal 2 percent to 4 percent whenever site users visit one of its blogs. Since adding blogging to its site in May, 5 percent of the company’s overall traffic comes from its main blog destination, www.ehobbies.blogs.com. In addition, 5 percent of all orders have recently tracked to a blog-based coupon.

Shopping Search Week 2004!

Sourced from Search Engine Watch

Shopping has emerged as one of the most important vertical categories in the specialized search arena, for searchers, advertisers and merchants alike. This week we take a look at what’s new and improved in shopping and product comparison search engines.