Sourced From SearchDay
An excellent new book focuses both on tactics as well as the managerial and organizational tasks required for effective large-scale search marketing campaigns.
Most search marketing books I’ve seen to date are highly tactical tomes, filled with advice on methods, approaches and techniques for achieving search engine success. While most of these books offer useful advice for individuals wanting to hone their search marketing chops, virtually none of them consider search marketing as a team process.
Sourced from Search Day
Despite the hype, being #1 in paid search results may not provide your company the desired bang for your marketing buck. Intelligently optimising a paid search budget involves far more than setting random bid prices and guessing at returns.
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The holiday season is just around the corner and Santa’s elves are already hard at work fulfilling wish lists in preparation for Santa’s big night. If you are an online marketer these days, I bet your job feels a bit like one of Santa’s elves or at least it should! The fourth quarter is by far the most important for a majority of advertisers. The question is: How can you make sure that you maximize your online sales this holiday season? One way to guarantee success is to make sure your paid search strategy is laser focused.
Sourced from Search Engine Watch
Many people do extensive product research online but end up buying from brick and mortar retailers. How can you track the effectiveness of search marketing campaigns that result in offline purchases? Many search engine marketing (SEM) campaigns can drive offline sales of products or services.
Sourced From
Although the word “holistic” is often used to describe a particular approach to medicine (in which the emphasis is on treatment of the “whole” individual), it is also appropriate to apply it to other disciplines, including Search Engine Marketing (SEM). There are three major components of SEM (and many minor ones, but we won’t touch on them here). These three primary parts are often used individually to great effect- but it is only when they are effectively used in unison that the “whole” can become “greater than the sum of its parts”. These major components are as follows:
Unlike other research firms, which present only their own proprietary findings, eMarketer aggregates e-business data from over 1,500 sources worldwide. The company’s research and analyst teams filter and organize this information, and provide concise analysis around it, helping business executives, government officials and others make better, more informed decisions.