We’re very pleased to announce that we are officially a Google Tag Manager (GTM) Certified Partner. And as far as we are aware, we are the first in New Zealand to be awarded this partner status.
Yesterday’s article was about Remarketing Lists for Search Ads, powered by Google Analytics, making it possible for you to target your search ads based on your customer’s past activity on your site, create deeper segmented audiences, customize your messages according to your user segments and save you the marketing budget for users you don’t want to re-attract. Today, we’ll talk about what everybody hates – Referral Spam and how to get rid of it!
Are your Google Analytics reports getting jammed up with bogus data from nasty referral spammers? Don’t worry. You’re not alone!
Ah, fragment URLs – you know these URLs with a hashtag (such as www.example.com/categoryA.html#filter1=abc&page=2), that can’t be tracked with Google Analytics…
Indeed Google Aanalytics strips out everything after the hashtag. Yet seeing what’s after the hashtag can be useful to know what are the most popular filtering options for example or to check if your visitors go beyond the first page of your product listing.
With Google Tag Manager, tracking these URLs as virtual pageviews becomes relatively easy. No need to be a developer or adding any codes on your web pages.
Here is how to do it.