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RSS Still Not Widely Adopted

Sourced From SearchDay
By Chris Sherman

New research from Yahoo and Ipsos suggests that although blogs and feeds are trendy among the technorati, awareness of RSS remains quite low among most U.S. based internet users.

The study found that only 12% of all users were aware of RSS, and just 4% had knowingly used the technology for reading feeds from blogs, news sources and other regularly updated content sources on the web (if you’re unfamiliar with RSS, see the SearchDay series, What is RSS, and Why Should You Care?).

Marketing Your Way to Link Popularity & Page Rank

Written by Jon Ostler, founder of First Rate
as published in SearchInsider (October)

I’m sure we all know by now that links are important and that the more quality and relevant links to your site and its pages the better your search engine rankings are likely to be. So every search engine marketer and web site owner should have links, link popularity and page rank top of mind. Not sure how well you are doing?

Search Goes Vertical

Written by Jon Ostler, founder of First Rate
as published in SearchInsider (November)

We are all familiar with Google Images, Groups & News but does the recent acceleration in vertical search options and direct XML feeds to Google signify a significant change in the direction for search?

Google was always about the single box that you could use to find anything on the Internet. Is the path towards increased relevancy leading to a segmented search tool that has specific options for each vertical? If so where will it stop and what does it mean for business and publishers online?

Search as the New Great Game

Sourced From SearchDay

In years past, major powers struggled to win the hearts and minds of people by maneuvering in what Kipling called “the great game.” The new great game is playing out not as geopolitical intrigue, but in a egalitarian dance that transcends borders and is reshaping social reality, says John Battelle in his new book The Search .

The Search: How Google Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed our Culture is an ambitious work that’s unlike any book I’ve yet encountered. Although the subtitle includes the requisite mention of Google, the book is really a much broader look at both the history of the web search industry and the profound effects and changes it is having on our social lives.

Blogs and Bling Bling: Companies See More Sales, Improve Search Position

Article by Christopher Heine
Published: September 27, 2005

The search engines are all about blogs, but turning that traffic into a selling vehicle is another story.

Not so for eHobbies.com, which says it has watched its conversion rate double from the normal 2 percent to 4 percent whenever site users visit one of its blogs. Since adding blogging to its site in May, 5 percent of the company’s overall traffic comes from its main blog destination, www.ehobbies.blogs.com. In addition, 5 percent of all orders have recently tracked to a blog-based coupon.

Google Enhances Desktop Search

Sourced from SearchDay

Google has released a new version of its desktop search tool, offering features such as integration with Outlook, a sidebar with nifty widgets to display photos, headlines and much more.