Microsoft Launches New Search Index & Algorithms
As expected early last week, Microsoft announced the “New Live Search”. Todd, Oilman, posted live coverage, as did Vanessa Fox at Search Engine Land of the Searchification event at Microsoft.
As expected early last week, Microsoft announced the “New Live Search”. Todd, Oilman, posted live coverage, as did Vanessa Fox at Search Engine Land of the Searchification event at Microsoft.
Certain types of websites are unlikely to be able to achieve high scores for the quality of their landing pages after Google recently announced some AdWords Helen Leggatt
“55% of all online purchases originate from Search Engines as opposed to only 9% from banners”
Site content needs to be presented to search engines in a very specific but subtle way in order to achieve top rankings for popular search phrases. The technical process of adjusting a site’s content and html is called search engine optimisation. For the rankings to be achieved, a good online reputation is required. For traffic to be generated the correct phrases must be targeted. To achieve the maximum business benefit, the site’s usability and business strategy must be well planned and executed.
Improve your sales and build stronger relationships with your prospects and customers with a strategic email marketing campaign. Make your life easier with an HTML editor, scheduling, bounce handling, and subscription management or outsource your email campaigns to First Rate’s marketing experts.
What Is Email Marketing?
Email Marketing is the process of sending email newsletters, alerts or other messages to an “in house” list of recipients or in response to a form or email contact where permission has been given to receive email from you.
“Do you know what your competition is doing and if it’s working?”
Identify and analyse your online competition then devise strategies and tactics to out-manoeuvre them. Learn from their successes and failures and put into place a cost effective strategy that will be assured of success. Understand your industry online and be sure that your business plans will work online.
“Do you know which of your products or services are most popular online or how people buy them?”
Access the search data of millions of searchers and understand what products and services are in high demand, which popular search phrases and topics have low levels of competition and how people use the Internet as part of their buying process.