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Xtra Hops On Ad Search Wagon with Overture

Sourced From stuff.co.nz
Published: 19 December 2005

Telecom’s XtraMSN hopes to persuade small and medium-sized businesses to advertise online by selling low-cost pay-per-click advertisements alongside results from the website’s search engine.

Xtra has signed up Overture, a subsidiary of web giant Yahoo, to auction off keywords to New Zealand businesses.

Search Goes Vertical

Written by Jon Ostler, founder of First Rate
as published in SearchInsider (November)

We are all familiar with Google Images, Groups & News but does the recent acceleration in vertical search options and direct XML feeds to Google signify a significant change in the direction for search?

Google was always about the single box that you could use to find anything on the Internet. Is the path towards increased relevancy leading to a segmented search tool that has specific options for each vertical? If so where will it stop and what does it mean for business and publishers online?

UK affiliate marketers to generate more than £1bn in sales in 2005

London , 26 September 2005

Sales generated for e-commerce organisations by UK affiliates in 2005 are expected to double compared with 2004, according to a new E-consultancy report, titled Affiliate Marketing Networks – A Buyer’s Guide).

UK affiliates are expected to account for between £1.1bn and £1.35bn of sales for merchant partners in 2005, up from around £600m in 2004. This far outstrips the growth rates for both online advertising and search engine optimisation, which E-consultancy expects to grow by 32% and 70% respectively.

Search Engine Advertising (SEA)

“During the first half of 2003 paid search grew by 300% while the rest of online ad spend dropped by 14%.”

What Is Search Engine Advertising?

Search Engine Advertising is the placement of small text advertisements on search engines. Google Adwords and Overture Search are the two most well known players.

Why Use Search Engine Advertising?

Search Engine Advertising improves your return on investment from online advertising by only displaying your ads to people who are actively looking for your product or service. The placement and creative is triggered by the search phrase the user enters into the search engine and as a result, costs are low and click through and conversion rates are very high.

Search Around The World

The following article has been published by icrossing, the premier US search engine marketing company, and features input from First Rate’s Jon Ostler. The article is part two in a series looking at regional search engines around the world.

THIS WEEK’S PANEL IS FLUENT with both ‘so suo en gin xuan quan’ and search engine marketing. Last week, we heard what excites and frustrates search engine marketers in Europe. Now we turn to experts from the Asia-Pacific.

Google Ad Policies To Be Made Publicly Available

Sourced From searchenginewatch.com

Forget the debate over exactly what the Google Adwords (Search Engine Advertising) and Adsense programs will allow. The core issue has been why Google doesn’t simply just publish its rules? Why can’t advertisers know from the start what Google allows? The guesswork has been infuriating to some, plus it has fed into the secretive nature some accuse Google of having.