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Google Launches Custom Search Engine Service

Sourced from searchenginewatch.com

By Chris Sherman, Executive Editor
Want your own Google-flavored specialized search engine for your web site or blog? With Google’s new Custom Search Engine service, it takes just minutes to set up your own unique search engine.

Google is joining Yahoo, Eurekster and many others in offering a customized search platform that makes it easy for anyone to offer a highly tailored search engine. Several weeks ago, SEW correspondent Phil Bradley wrote about customized search offerings from Rollyo, PSI, Yahoo and in Your Search, Your Way (part one and part two).

Analyzing the Google AdWords Landing Page Algorithm

Sourced From searchenginewatch.com

By Jennifer Slegg

Google’s pricing for AdWords includes a component that looks at the content of landing pages, and a recent change that has caused price increases is proving controversial in the search marketing community.

The landing page algorithm by Google AdWords has caused quite a bit of controversy amongst advertisers since it first arrived in advertiser’s AdWords accounts in December 2005. Since it launched, Google updated the landing page algorithm again in May 2006, often referred to as the April bid hike. However the latest July 10th update by Google has created quite a stir in the forums and the blogosphere for many reasons, particularly how it could impact advertisers making money through click arbitrage.

eBay blocks Google’s Checkout

Source from www.silicon.com By Dan Ilett

Published: Monday 10 July 2006

eBay has blocked customers from using Google’s recently launched online payments service, Checkout.

The move could be seen as a protective measure over its own payment service PayPal but eBay has insisted it is because Google’s product does not meet the security and safety standard set in its payments policy.

Adwords landing page quality update

Sourced from adwords.blogspot.com
Posted by Blake, Inside AdWords crew

Landing page quality update
Yesterday, we sat down with Andrew C., a product marketing manager, who gave us a heads-up regarding an upcoming AdWords ‘landing page quality’ change. This change to the algorithm will affect a small number of advertisers — while having a positive impact on the quality of ads that our users see. Here’s a little background, and a look at what’s coming up:

Bid Management Software Holy Grail, Or Just Another Tool?

by Jon Ostler, Wednesday, Mar 29

BID MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE IS SEEN by many, at least at first sight, as the solution to all of their paid search management issues. As your paid search activities with Adwords, Yahoo Search and others increase, it is common to run into management issues with the number of phrases, along with such challenges as bidding in a competitive industry, and applying good return-on-investment tracking and methodologies. Ultimately manual management of campaigns becomes time consuming, confusing and leads to campaigns that are less effective than they should be. For those considering bid management software, one analogy comes to mind. Many years ago when undertaking management training I was required to undertake a project management role for 3 months, so imagine my delight when I got my hands on a copy of MS Project and thought “Wow! This will be easy – the software will manage everything for me.” Obviously, MS Project does not make you into a project manager, and it is equally true that bid management software does not make you into a Search Marketer; it just provides you will some advanced tools to take your search marketing to the next level.

Adwords now has demographics? (US only)

Sourced From https://adwords.google.com/support

What is demographic site selection?

Demographic site selection is a way to find and run your ads on sites with the right audience for your AdWords campaigns.

A demographic group is an audience that shares a particular trait or characteristic. This trait might be age, gender, income or some other factor. If your product appeals to young women, for instance, you might want to target sites which are popular with the female demographic, the 18-24 age demographic or both.