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What is demographic site selection?
Demographic site selection is a way to find and run your ads on sites with the right audience for your AdWords campaigns.
A demographic group is an audience that shares a particular trait or characteristic. This trait might be age, gender, income or some other factor. If your product appeals to young women, for instance, you might want to target sites which are popular with the female demographic, the 18-24 age demographic or both.
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by Reuben Schwarz
12 December 2005
Fur is flying after online shoppers keying “ferrit” or “ferret” into Google’s search engine were presented with prominent adverts for Trade Me’s online auction site.
Written by Jon Ostler, founder of First Rate
as published in SearchInsider (November)
We are all familiar with Google Images, Groups & News but does the recent acceleration in vertical search options and direct XML feeds to Google signify a significant change in the direction for search?
Google was always about the single box that you could use to find anything on the Internet. Is the path towards increased relevancy leading to a segmented search tool that has specific options for each vertical? If so where will it stop and what does it mean for business and publishers online?
Sourced From SearchDay
An excellent new book focuses both on tactics as well as the managerial and organizational tasks required for effective large-scale search marketing campaigns.
Most search marketing books I’ve seen to date are highly tactical tomes, filled with advice on methods, approaches and techniques for achieving search engine success. While most of these books offer useful advice for individuals wanting to hone their search marketing chops, virtually none of them consider search marketing as a team process.
Sourced From SearchDay
In years past, major powers struggled to win the hearts and minds of people by maneuvering in what Kipling called “the great game.” The new great game is playing out not as geopolitical intrigue, but in a egalitarian dance that transcends borders and is reshaping social reality, says John Battelle in his new book The Search .
The Search: How Google Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed our Culture is an ambitious work that’s unlike any book I’ve yet encountered. Although the subtitle includes the requisite mention of Google, the book is really a much broader look at both the history of the web search industry and the profound effects and changes it is having on our social lives.