Wondering what is different about Google Discovery ads vs Display ads? Learn about 5 key features & how they can help you achieve your marketing objectives ...
Continue ReadingRecently I conducted some in-depth attribution analysis for one of my clients. When I analyzed the data via Google Analytics in more detail, I couldn't see that much of an overall impact of Facebook campaign activity on the business, so naturally I wanted to dive a little deeper. ...
Continue ReadingWhat to do to recover control over broad and exact match keywords? Here are a couple of best practices to deal with the close variants. ...
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With 2016 wrapping up it’s a great time to reflect on how you can take your digital marketing to a whole new level in 2017. In the age of Digital Transformation where the customer journey is more complex than ever before, consisting of multiple channels and touch points, measuring and optimising data in Google Analytics 360 will be the foundation of how businesses operate in 2017.
Make better use of your data with GA 360 in 2017 with these actionable tips shared by some of the world-leading experts in the digital marketing industry.