Jump Start Your Career Progression At FIRST
Career progression means different things to different people. It’s all about taking that right first step. Here at FIRST, there is no single, prescribed way of expanding one’s professional experience or acquiring new skills.
With our collaborative and supportive culture, we put each member of our team in charge of his or her career. Through flexibility, opportunities to up skill and resources for career progression and personal development, we train smart and highly-motivated people well – many leave FIRST and do great things, many stay with FIRST and continue to make a difference to our clients daily.
Searching through my LinkedIn connections with former FIRST team members, I found that the top 3 current positions held are: Digital Performance or Strategist (38%), Director (16%) or Entrepreneur/ Founder (11%). Others also successfully moved to the following positions: CEO/Head, Account/Project/Marketing Manager, Business Development/ Innovation and Web Design and Development.
In terms of geographic distribution, most (71%) stayed and continued their career in various regions of New Zealand. The rest moved to UK (11%) and Australia (9%). Other countries included U.S., Switzerland, Czech Republic and Malaysia.
Majority of former FIRST team members moved to other Digital Marketing agencies (38%). Technology (16%) and Retail (11%) were the next top industries that some of them ventured into. Others included Travel, Finance, Telecommunications, Education, Charity, Sports and Fitness and Government Administration.
Below is an infographic that shows a snapshot of the findings.
With technology always evolving, Digital Marketing is definitely a career that has growth potential. Digital Marketers are often at the cutting edge of the latest trends and constantly learning and adapting to new strategies. And with our focus on the development of expertise at FIRST, there are lots of opportunities for everyone in the team to develop rapidly.
Want to be part of our fantastic team at FIRST?
Give me a call at 021 191 2244 or reach out to me on LinkedIn.
Grant Osborne
General Manager