Searching for a gift online – NZ gift industry seo report
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Which gift providers are maximising their market share online?
Find out which providers are taking the lead in the gift industry in organic search and how they’re doing it.
FIRST has investigated the organic search engine rankings for NZ consumer searches focused on buying gifts online in New Zealand, utilising FIRST’s Ranking Based Reach (RBR) analysis framework. In addition, a consumer survey was carried out to discover for which occasion Kiwis ordered gifts online most frequently and for whom they would buy gifts mostly.
In this report we discovered:
New Zealand owned and operated company “Not Socks” is leading the RBR, closely followed by global player “Gifts”. Gift provider “RedBalloon” on third position with quite a big gap to the second position.
In general, search results are broadly dispersed among a wide range of competitors. In this competitive market, a few online gift providers have recognized the urgency of ranking well in organic search, nevertheless there are still many companies which are not at all present within organic search.
We discovered that gift-related search terms show seasonal peaks in December and at the beginning of the year. Therefore, optimising search strategies according to consumers seasonal search behaviour (and special occasions) is a key requirement to sell more.
In our survey we revealed that nearly 3 out of 4 Kiwis have ordered a gift online already and that gifts would be ordered for birthday’s most frequently. Moreover we discovered that the quality of the gift and money back guarantees played an important factor for most respondents when ordering online.
A digital strategy that integrates both organic and paid search should be a key customer acquisition and revenue driver for gift providers.
FIRST uses its bespoke metric called RBR (Ranking Based Reach) to estimate how well each company is ranking in search engines. RBR provides a simple way to compare a website’s search engine rankings with its competitors. RBR is an estimate of the percentage of available search traffic a website will receive for a set of phrases – this gives the sites share of search or reach. It is weighted based on the popularity of each search phrase and the relative click through rate (CTR) of each ranking position.
For the full report (PDF) please click here
Websites included in this gift providers SEO industry report comparison: