Social Media Junction: Search Marketing and Social Media Marketing Are Inseparably Connected #smj
Grant Osborne, First Rate’s Director of Strategy & Performance, spoke at Social Media Junction and covered the following topics:
- Google is getting more social
- Search engine optimisation is changing
- Integrating search into your social media strategy & vice versa
- The importance of keywords and how to use them effectively – examples from YouTube, Twitter & other social networks
Social Media Junction Buzz #smj
There was plenty of buzz and coverage of Grant’s talk during and after the event, a selection has been included below:
Social Media Junction 2010 Topics & Speakers
- Keynote speech: Becoming a Trust Agent – Social Capital and the New Tribe. Julien Smith, Canada
- Changing people’s behaviour with Social Media – the 3Rs of Social Media use: Representation, Responsibility and Respect. Mike Hickinbotham, Senior Adviser Social Media, Telstra, Australia
- International Best practice in Social Media: 20 leading case studies from the private, public, not-for-profit and creative sectors. Justin Flitter, Social Media Practitioner and Paul Reynolds, Director, McGovern Online
- 5 Top Tips – What to avoid when implementing social media into an organisation: lessons from Facebook, YouTube & Twitter
- How to Manage Measurement and Tone in Social Media. Andy Beal, online reputation management expert Founder of
- Bloggers Panel: 5 Top Tips The content challenge: how to keep it compelling and relevant
- Using Social Media in a broadcasting environment; external and internal stakeholder management. Aisha Hillary, Senior Marketing & New Media Specialist, SBS – Special Broadcasting Service, Australia
- Social & Search inseparably connected; how to ensure you do both well. Grant Osborne, Director of Strategy & Performance, First Rate
- How to harness video content for a local yet global social media campaign. Ross McConnell, Executive Director, Kea New Zealand
- Using Social Media effectively from an advertising perspective international best practice from MySpace. Andrew Cordwell, MySpace, Fox Interactive Media, Australia
Interested to read more? Download Grant’s presentation here: Social Media Marketing & Search.