Christmas Online Marketing Count Down!
Christmas is a boom time for retailers and not even the dim economic outlook will be able to hold back the hoards of shoppers as the Christmas deadline approaches. So you may ask, where does the internet fit into a retailers marketing strategy?
As we know, people use the internet to research goods before finally buying online or in many cases offline. So when is the best time to start and ramp up your online marketing activities?
As we can see from Google Search Insights the serious demand starts to pick up in October and accelerates right up until two weeks before Christmas where it levels off before coming to an abrupt stop as you would expect. This means that November often has the highest overall traffic volume for Christmas gifts.
So, if you do not already have your Christmas online marketing ready to kick off this week you’d better pick up the phone and call your favourite online marketing agency who specialises in rapid direct response marketing campaigns! Yep, First Rate on 09 920 1740.
Search for “Christmas Gifts”
Australian data used for this keyword report due to a low NZ data sample in Google Keyword tool (but that’s another post!)
Looks like I’m not the only person to who has no idea what to buy people. So if you are an online retailer make sure you help people find that perfect gift. A good example of this is Getprice’s Christmas Gift Shopping Guide.
And this approach does not need to be limited to consumer gifts, just checkout Skycity’s Christmas party ideas page.
As we can see search is used to support a whole range of festive cheer from Christmas trees to Christmas carols and games. Although Christmas lights are not as popular in countries like the US and UK, maybe we are just more ‘green’ and are conserving energy 😉