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Google takes half of all US searches, Nielsen say

American web surfers continued to flock to Google in April, using the internet search site for 50% of their 5.3 billion queries, according to a research report.

That marked a rise from Google’s year-ago market share of 47%, while second-place site Yahoo held steady at 22%, and Microsoft’s MSN dropped from 12 to 11%, according to Nielsen/NetRatings.

Big 3 Search Engines Building On Columbia River

Sourced from www.webpronews.com

Jim Hedger
Expert Author
Published: 2006-06-15

Google, Yahoo and MSN are all building massive datacenters along the Columbia River in southern Washington State and northern Oregon.

According to an article that ran in the June 8 edition of the New York Times, Hidden in Plain Sight, Google Seeks More Power , the three search giants are each tapping into the enormous generating potential of the massive mountain fed river.

eBay blocks Google’s Checkout

Source from www.silicon.com By Dan Ilett

Published: Monday 10 July 2006

eBay has blocked customers from using Google’s recently launched online payments service, Checkout.

The move could be seen as a protective measure over its own payment service PayPal but eBay has insisted it is because Google’s product does not meet the security and safety standard set in its payments policy.

Adwords landing page quality update

Sourced from adwords.blogspot.com
Posted by Blake, Inside AdWords crew

Landing page quality update
Yesterday, we sat down with Andrew C., a product marketing manager, who gave us a heads-up regarding an upcoming AdWords ‘landing page quality’ change. This change to the algorithm will affect a small number of advertisers — while having a positive impact on the quality of ads that our users see. Here’s a little background, and a look at what’s coming up: