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Facilitate Digital 2 Day Online Media Workshop

30 November 2005 | EVENT
Langham Hotel, Auckland, NZ

Jon Ostler the founder of First Rate will be speaking at the Facilitate Digital Online Media Workshop, 30 November.

This two day workshop is a ‘must attend’ event for all agencies & publishers who are serious about the future of advertising. Note limited places available.

From Waistlines To Bottom Lines, You Need A Commitment

WHEN I BOUGHT MY GYM membership, I paid a hefty sign-up fee and agreed to pay a regular monthly fee. When I spoke to the salesperson, I definitely didn’t think, “Here’s my money, and I will never see you or this gym ever again.” I had every intention of going to the gym several times a week and getting in fantastic shape.

However, as with many good intentions, life and its many priorities happen, and those plans fall to the wayside–not intentionally, but nevertheless they become less important.

Finding Treasure in Boards and Forums

Sourced From SearchDay
By Chris Sherman

Most people turn to the web as a primary information source these days, but there’s a lot of great stuff in traditional forums and bulletin board systems—if you know where to look.

You may be familiar with our Search Engine Watch forums, our community of people interested in discussing search engines and search marketing with one another. There are literally thousands of other online forums dedicated to specialized topics, ranging the gamut from astronomy to zymurgy.

RSS Still Not Widely Adopted

Sourced From SearchDay
By Chris Sherman

New research from Yahoo and Ipsos suggests that although blogs and feeds are trendy among the technorati, awareness of RSS remains quite low among most U.S. based internet users.

The study found that only 12% of all users were aware of RSS, and just 4% had knowingly used the technology for reading feeds from blogs, news sources and other regularly updated content sources on the web (if you’re unfamiliar with RSS, see the SearchDay series, What is RSS, and Why Should You Care?).