Are you designing web sites that are accessible to disabled users? If not, you’re overlooking a powerful market segment of millions of searchers and potential buyers.
Many search marketers meet the prospect of being forced to design accessible web sites with cries of unfairness or indifference. But this is a shortsighted view. Assistive technology is increasingly used to help the more than 1.3 million legally blind Americans and 10 million visually impaired users successfully navigate the web.
Sourced From eMarketerOnline ads are winning more ad spending dollars, according to a new report from Forrester Research.
On the heels of last week’s IAB 2004 online advertising numbers, which showed that US online advertising grew 32.5% in 2004, followed by eMarketer’s prediction that online advertising will rise by nearly 34% in 2005 to about US$13 billion, Forrester upped the ante, estimating that total US online advertising and marketing spending this year will reach US$14.7 billion.
Online retail sales in the US will rise by almost 25% this year, according to a new study released by and conducted by Forrester Research.
Forrester expects online retail sales to increase to US$109.6 billion this year from US$89 billion in 2004. Including travel sales, total e-commerce revenues are projected to grow to US$172.4 billion from US$141.4 billion.
Sourced From The NZ Herald
Who knew advertising would be one of the internet’s cash cows? Sergey Brin and Larry Page did.
The co-founders of Google, the undisputed Godzilla of internet search companies, didn’t have a crystal ball. Like any successful entrepreneurs, they had a novel idea.