Sourced from Search Engine Watch
Opportunities for effective, inexpensive search marketing are abundant when you “think outside the (Big Search) box” and look to vertical or specialised content sites.
How do you attract your target users to your site using search tactics that do not rely on Big Search — Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL and Ask Jeeves? Scottie Claiborne, of Right Click Web Consulting and Harrison Magun, managing director of eonMedia, presented a wide range of tactics that would work for companies large and small.
Sourced from Search Engine Watch
Vivisimo has launched Clusty, a meta search engine with an impressive array of tools that helps you quickly find relevant results from a variety of information sources.
Clusty is an elegant new search tool that takes underground favourite Vivisimo to a new level. In addition to presenting both standard web search results and Vivisimo’s dynamic clusters that automatically categorize results, Clusty draws on several new sources of information.
Sourced from eMarketer
Following up on an earlier study, Oneupweb recently analysed the main corporate sites of the first 100 companies in the Internet Retailer magazine list of Top 300 companies to determine the level of effectiveness with which each company has used SEO.
Sourced from Search Engine Watch
Many people do extensive product research online but end up buying from brick and mortar retailers. How can you track the effectiveness of search marketing campaigns that result in offline purchases? Many search engine marketing (SEM) campaigns can drive offline sales of products or services.
Sourced from The Giffin Group
Gurus say that loyalty explains why some customers buy more, refer others and will stick with you even when you screw up. Cynics say, “If you want loyalty, get a dog.”
Are You Building the Right Kind of Loyalty?
Sure, you want more customer loyalty. But are you building the right kind of loyalty?
Sourced from Google
What is Google SMS?
Google SMS (Short Message Service) enables you to easily get precise answers to specialised queries from your mobile phone or device. Send your query as a text message and get phone book listings, dictionary definitions, product prices and more. Just text. No links. No web pages. Simply the answers you’re looking to find.
Sourced from Search Engine Watch
Matthew Koll is a pioneer in the web search industry. He was the founder and CEO of Personal Library Software, acquired by America Online in 1998. He’s currently the founder and CEO of Wondir.