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Direct Response Versus Awareness Advertising: Which Way Should You Go?

Sourced from MarketingProfs.com

Traditional advertising seeks to create positive awareness of a product in enough minds so that your target market will eventually reach for your brand. Direct response advertising improves on that.

Traditional campaigns have had their share of overnight successes – Volkswagen’s “Think Small,” Avis’s “We Try Harder,” Benson & Hedges’s “Oh the Disadvantages.” But, more often, it takes years for an awareness campaign to take hold. Viewers weren’t too sure about Dave Thomas of Wendy’s at first. But they embraced him over time.

Google Release Their New Spider

Sourced from Axandra

Search engines use automated software programs that crawl the web. These programs called “crawlers” or “spiders” go from link to link and store the text and the keywords from the pages in a database. “Googlebot” is the name of Google’s spider software.

Level of Search Engine Optimisation Not Optimal

Sourced from emarketer.com

Less than 10% of the Fortune 100 is effectively using search engine optimisation for their Web sites, according to a new study by Oneupweb.

Integrated search engine marketing firm Oneupweb analysed the main corporate sites of Fortune magazine’s top 100 companies to determine the level of effectiveness with which each company has used search engine optimisation (SEO).

Google Ad Policies To Be Made Publicly Available

Sourced From searchenginewatch.com

Forget the debate over exactly what the Google Adwords (Search Engine Advertising) and Adsense programs will allow. The core issue has been why Google doesn’t simply just publish its rules? Why can’t advertisers know from the start what Google allows? The guesswork has been infuriating to some, plus it has fed into the secretive nature some accuse Google of having.

Google Picks Gates’ Brains – Possibly Launching A Web Browser?

Sourced from The New York Post

Google, US$1.67 billion richer from its August initial public offering, is spending its money poaching the brightest minds from arch-rival Microsoft and other tech giants. Based on the half-dozen hires in recent weeks, Google appears to be planning to launch its own Web browser and other software products to challenge Microsoft.

Google Launches Amazon-Style Book Search

Sourced from The New Zealand Herald

Google Inc has quietly launched a new search technology to help publishers sell books online, a fast-growing market dominated by internet retailer Amazon.com.

Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin will host a press conference on Thursday to demonstrate the technology at the Frankfurt Book Fair, an important showcase if the Internet search engine is to recruit the heavyweights of the book publishing industry.

Collateral Damage: “Banners, a weapon that misses its target 99.75% of the time”

Written by Jon Ostler – founder of First Rate

Would you use a weapon that fails to hits its target 99.75% of the time? If you are using banner ads to generate traffic then this is exactly what you are doing. The average click trough rate for banners tracked by DoubleClick is now <0.25% so you will get only 2.5 clicks for every 1,000 banners displayed (CPM).

This article is not an attack on the use of banner ads, but rather a review of the good, the bad, and the ugly methods being used by online advertisers in an attempt to generate traffic from banners (or blood from a stone).