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We Couldn’t Have Said It Better Ourselves

Sourced From searchengineguide.com

Although the word “holistic” is often used to describe a particular approach to medicine (in which the emphasis is on treatment of the “whole” individual), it is also appropriate to apply it to other disciplines, including Search Engine Marketing (SEM). There are three major components of SEM (and many minor ones, but we won’t touch on them here). These three primary parts are often used individually to great effect- but it is only when they are effectively used in unison that the “whole” can become “greater than the sum of its parts”. These major components are as follows:

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About URL ’s

by Chris Sherman

A new tool from search craftsman Michael Fagan uncovers a hidden wealth of information about virtually any web page.

URLInfo’s deceptively simple tabbed interface actually provides links to more than 85 tools. To use it, type a URL into the form on the page, and then click one of the ten tabs at the top of the page. These tabs describe functions: General, links, similar, cache, search, blogs/feeds, translate, track, develop and misc. Under each tab is a set of links related to its general function.