eMarketer Report: A Supercharged Blend of Yellow Pages and Direct Mail is a Recent Description of Search Engine Marketing…
Last month we featured the research on what US Retailers deem to be the most effective forms of online marketing. What caught our eye this month was a quote from David Hallerman Senior Analyst for eMarketer in the introduction to the report. David likened Search Engine Marketing to a “Super charged blend of Yellow Pages and direct mail” It’s a great analogy isn’t it? When you consider that if someone is looking for something in the Yellow Pages they’re most definitely in the market for a product or service.
Search Engines bring this directory like power to the forefront where your customers can search for anything they’re thinking about purchasing now or in the near future. As people are becoming more sophisticated at using search engines they’re using more than one word in any search phrase which means you need to constantly understand how people are searching for your product and service. These multi word search phrases will influence your ongoing search engine marketing and advertising programme. OneStat.com reports 54% of worldwide searches are launched using two-to-three word phrases.
If you’re interested in further findings of this report, please let First Rate know, or alternately you can purchase this report online at the eMarketer site.