APN, ACP in online classifieds venture
Sourced from nzherald.co.nz
Print media companies APN New Zealand and ACP New Zealand have formed a venture to develop ACP’s sellmefree.co.nz website, which offers free general classified advertisements.
Under a deal announced yesterday APN, publisher of the New Zealand Herald, will join ACP at the website, which will be expanded to include digital versions of APN private classified advertising. The site already provides digital advertising from ACP’s classified titles.
The chief executive of ACP New Zealand, Heith Mackay Cruise, said the change was a significant expansion of sellmefree.co.nz, which had recently had a software upgrade. ACP set up the online general classified site in August 2005 in competition with Trade Me, bought by APN rival Fairfax last year for $700 million.
* APN owns nzherald.co.nz, the New Zealand Herald, Herald on Sunday, Aucklander and other papers throughout the country. It is also joint owner of The Radio Network.